Welcome to my Website!

We Are a Band From Manchester We Are Also On bandcamp and instagram.

oh hippo oh update 1

It's me again it's vivien, what a time it's been, it's xmas, our EP is released (go buy it), it's a beautiful day to be website editing at your mum's house

We've got some gigs lined up, 2024 is filling up! they're gonna be cool. Drunk in Town just passed 1000 listens on spotify which is pretty nuts

there's also chat of recording EP2 which will probably happen some time... soon. We're writing new songs, they're all really good.


Vivien (the one with the cool fingerless gloves)

blog post one

Hi welcome to the hippo blog here we're all writing things about all the things we hate

it's half past midnight and I'm having a great time making us a website

fuck instagram


Vivien (the one with the cool fingerless gloves)

blog post two

i'm doing more website editing this looks cool as shit


Vivien (the one with the cool fingerless gloves)